Python programming for Kids Coding Courses
We’re living in an age where technology touches pretty much every aspect of life .Even so, as skills with technology and the languages that control it become increasingly important, parents want to get their kids exposed to coding as early as possible. Furthermore, Not only for the important skills coding can impart, but for development of the key problem solving skills and sequential thinking that are important in pretty much all aspects of science and technology. In addition,
Python is an extremely flexible coding language that is used by many professionals, including scientists, researchers, and engineers. It is straightforward and approachable and an excellent choice for children beginning their coding journey.
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language celebrated for its readability, simplicity, and versatility. Designed with an emphasis on code clarity, Python’s syntax is straightforward and expressive, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers. Its extensive standard library and the availability of numerous third-party packages support a wide range of applications, from web development and data analysis to artificial intelligence and scientific computing. Python’s dynamic typing and robust community support contribute to its rapid development capabilities and ease of use. Additionally, popular frameworks like Django and Flask streamline web development, while tools like Pandas and TensorFlow enhance data analysis and machine learning tasks. Python’s broad applicability and user-friendly nature have made it one of the most widely used programming languages in the world.
Python is a highly regarded, high-level programming language known for its simplicity and efficiency. Its design focuses on code readability and brevity, which allows developers to express concepts in fewer lines of code compared to other languages. Python is highly versatile, supporting a wide range of applications from web development and data analysis to machine learning and automation. It features an extensive standard library and a rich ecosystem of frameworks and tools, which streamline the development process. Python’s dynamic typing and ease of integration with other languages and technologies make it a popular choice for both rapid prototyping and production-ready systems. Its active community and extensive documentation further enhance its appeal and usability.
Python programming is one of the most versatile and widely-used languages in today’s software development landscape. It’s known for its simplicity, readability, and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for beginners and experienced developers alike. Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, procedural, and functional programming. Its extensive libraries and frameworks enable developers to tackle tasks ranging from web development and data analysis to artificial intelligence and automation. Whether you’re automating repetitive tasks, developing websites, or diving into data science, learning Python opens doors to countless opportunities in the tech world.
Session 1 : Introduction
- Programs & Algorithms
- Introduction to Python
- Introduction to debuggings
Session 2 : Simple Python Data
- Variables, Expressions, and Statements
- Values and Data Types
- Statements and Expressions, Operators
- Input and Output
Session 3 : Debugging Interlude
- How to Avoid Debugging
- Beginning Tips
- Know your Error Messages
Session 4 : Python Turtle Graphics
- Instances
- The for loop, Flow of Executions
- Iteration and the Range Functions
Session 5 : Python Modules
- Modules and Getting Help
- The math module
- The random module
Session 6 : Functions
- Functions
- Unit Testing
- Local Variables and Parameters
- The Accumulator Pattern
- Nesting Functions, Flow of Execution
- Using the main function
- Program Development
Session 7 : Selection
- A. Boolean Values and Expressions
- Operators and Precedence of Operations
- Conditional Execution
- Nesting and Chaining Conditional
Session 8 : More about Iteration
- . The for loop revisited
- The while statement
- Applications and Patterns
- Sentinels and Input Validation
- Algorithms Revisited
Session 9 : Strings
- Collection Data Type, Indexing
- String Methods and Slicing
- Traversal Patterns
- The in and not in Operators
Session 10 : Lists
- . Another Collection Type
- Concatenation, Repetition, and Element Deletion
- Objects and References
- Lists and for loops
- . Lists as Parameters and Return values from functions
- List Comprehensions
- Nested Lists
Session 11 : Files
- Working with Data Files
- Reading and Writing Text Files
- with Statements
Session 12 : Dictionaries
- . Dictionaries and their Operations
CSC 121, June 2018 - . Aliasing and Copying
Session 13 : Exceptions
- Exception Handling and Flow-of-control
- Principals of using Exceptions
- Catching Multiple Specific Exceptions
- . Clean-up after Exceptions
Session 14 : . Recursion
- What is Recursion?
- The Three Laws of Recursion
- Visualizing Recursion
Session 15 : Classes and Objects
- . Object Oriented Programming, a Change in Perspective
- . User Defined Classes
- Constructors and other Methods
- . Using Objects as Arguments and Parameters
- . Instances as Return Values
Session 16 : Using Classes and Objects
- Fractions
- Mutating Objects
- .Sameness
- Arithmetic Methods