Java programming language For Kids?
As of 2022, there are approximately 700 programming languages. Out of those 700, Java course is consistently one of the top 10 most popular.
Besides, Holding one of the top 10 spots out of 700 total options is impressive. But what is Java? Why is it so popular? Who uses it, and what do they do with it?
Java is an object-oriented programming language that has been around since the early 1990s.
However, Other languages use a paradigm known as structured programming. C++ and other early computer programming languages used structured programming. In addition, They rely on repeated blocks of code.
Java is an object-oriented coding language. Object-oriented languages are more efficient in terms of the written code itself. Rather than using similar chunks of code over and over, they involve classes and objects that contain basic instructions. Even so, A class is a kind of template too.
An object is an instance of the template. Moreover, A programmer can simply insert an object into the code. Since that object inherits its behavior from the class it belongs to (its template), there’s no need to write code to make it work. It’s ready to use immediately.
Java programming is a powerful, versatile, and widely-used language that is known for its platform independence, meaning code written in Java can run on any device that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This “write once, run anywhere” capability makes Java ideal for developing a wide range of applications, from mobile apps to large-scale enterprise systems. Java is an object-oriented language, which means it organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic. This approach enhances code reusability and scalability, making Java a preferred choice for building complex systems. Additionally, Java’s robust set of libraries and frameworks, along with its strong community support, make it a reliable and efficient language for both beginners and experienced developers.
Java is a versatile, object-oriented programming language renowned for its portability, performance, and robustness. Designed to be platform-independent, Java enables developers to write code that runs on any system equipped with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), making it a preferred choice for diverse applications. Its syntax, which is similar to C++, allows for a relatively straightforward learning curve for new programmers. Java’s extensive ecosystem includes powerful frameworks and libraries, such as Spring and Apache Maven, which support the development of everything from web and mobile applications to large-scale enterprise solutions. With its focus on security, concurrency, and scalability, Java continues to be a dominant force in the software development industry.
Session 1 : Introduction of Java Programming
- History of Java
- Features of Java
- How Java works
- Types of Java Programs
- Edit, compile, and run Java applications and applets
Session 2 : Variables, data types, and expressions
- Identifier rules
- Naming variables, constants (final) and references
- Primitive data types
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Relational and Logical Operators
Session 3 :Java Programming control flow
- Sequence structure
- Selection structure
- Repetition structure
- Jump (Sequence) structure
Session 4 : Methods of Java Programming
- Java API and Package/Library methods
- User-defined methods
- Scope and duration
- Local and Field variables
- Pass-by-value, Pass-by-reference
- Recursion
- Overloading
Session 5 : Arrays of Java Programming
- Declaration and allocation
- Passing arrays to methods
- Sorting, searching
- Multiple-subscripted
Session 6 : Object-Based Programming
- Classes and objects, instance variables, and instance methods
- Member access modifiers: public, private, protected, package
- Creating packages
- Constructors, overloaded constructors
- Set (mutator), Get (access), and predicate methods
- Final instance variables
- Composition
- Finalizers, garbage collection
- Static class members
Session 7 : Object-Oriented Programming
- Inheritance
- Super class, subclass
- Polymorphism
- Dynamic method binding
- Abstract class, Concrete class
- Inner class definition
- Type-wrapper class for primitive data types
- Interfaces
Session 8 : Graphical User Interface
- Event-Driven Programming and Event Handling Model
- Window Components
- Mouse and keyboard event handling
- Adapter classes
- Layout managers